Sunday, December 20, 2009

Today's evil review: Where the wild things are

I don't think we get to know where, actually. When I watched the trailler I really thought this movie had potential. Fantasy, creative looking characters and that taste of evil innocence, like you wonder when and how something bad will happen, since it is somehow a children's story. The thing is that this part never comes. The plot is poor, nothing interesting happens and I believe even those who love "weird movies" would get bored. There is also no empathy with the main character, a small boy.
The movie is based on a children's book and I wonder how similar they are. Nevertherless, I read that Warner Brothers studio was so unhappy with the director's first final version of the movie that they wanted to re-shoot the whole 75 million dollars project in 2008. The version on the theaters now was the accepted one...go figure!

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