Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today's news: Man kills shark

Diver Craig Clasen killed a 3.5 meters shark after fighting it for about two hours. Clasen was diving by the coast of Louisiana hunting some tuna when he noticed the shark approaching one of his colleagues. "I knew the shark was there to feed" says he, who had to pierce the animal with a harpoon, stab a knife into its head and finally take it to the surface so it could choke and die.

Now the unfairness of life: People break into your house, steal your food and when you are just trying to find out what's happening, you get impaled, stabbed and choked. Tsk...


Unknown said...

Oh Leticia: are you the newest wildlife's protector?
Humm... environmentalism and preservationism activists...KEEP OUT FASTLY!! They're much more dangerous than all sharks protected by them!
Is it easy facing a 3.5m incoming shark straight onto your body, at the bottom of the sea?
Tsc to you! Clasen should pick it all like "filets" and put it all on a griller... some beers, some sambas and his folks!
Kisses my dear!
Papil Indo.

Unknown said...

que absurdo!!! não vou escrever porra nenhuma em inglês pq não consigo me expressar...

pelo amor de Deus... o bicho não fez nada... eu concordo com a minha irmã... não é questão de proteger os tubarões... e sim de cada um ficar na sua sem atrapalhar o meio do outro...