Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today's evil review: The Wolfman

Dark skies, mysterious woods, an evil creature and a small town: features that definitely set the mood for any good werewolf movie. I couldn't wait to watch this one. Sadly my initial excitement didn't leave the cinema with me.

Before seeing it, I wondered why it was called "The Wolfman" and not "The Werewolf". This is because the creature is sort of a hairy man and not a manly wolf. Nice move for keeping the "humanity" of the characters. On the other hand, it took away the fear factor since what you think will be a horrid creature resembles an angry beardy man.

This being said, the actors did a good job with an underdeveloped story (although I have my doubts about the bad guy from "Matrix", who seemed to play the same character in this movie too). Enough to save it, but not to make it unforgettable. It could have been so much more, the plot was promising, the suspense was then vanish into the forest's mist.

Also some characters were mis-explored. The gypsy, the servant, the brother...pity.

I still recommend that you watch "The Wolfman" if you are an admirer of the genre as well. Just don't expect it to come close to great titles like "Dracula" nor to pay off for a great cinema experience.

PS: "Dracula" admirers will notice the resemblance between the soundtracks of the movies. That's because Danny Elfman inspired himself in Wojciech Kilar's score for the vampire classic. A little too much, I would say.

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